Tracie Voysey

Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator

Special Educational Needs



Woodcroft Pre-School and Wrap Around Care aims to have regard to the DFES code of practice on special educational needs and also to the guidelines supplied to private and voluntary providers of Pre-School education. We aim to provide welcome and appropriate learning opportunities for all children.


Children with special educational needs, like all other children, are admitted to the Pre-School after consultation between parents/ carers, Leader and Key worker.
Our aim is to provide for the developmental needs of each child in the group.
All children in the group, irrespective of their special educational needs, are encouraged wherever possible to participate in all the group activities.
Our system of observation and record keeping, which operates in conjunction with parents, enables us to monitor children’s needs and progress on an individual basis.
The needs and progress of children who have special educational needs are monitored by our group’s Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO).
Our Key worker system ensures that each adult has a group of children so each child receives plenty of adult time and attention.
We work closely with the parents/ carers or all children in the group to ensure that the group draws upon the knowledge and expertise of parents / carers when planning provision for the child and the child’s progress and achievements are shared and discussed on a regular basis.
We make parents aware of the identity of the SENCO and the arrangements for the admission and integration of children with special educational needs.
If it is felt that a child’s needs cannot be met in the Pre-School without additional personnel and/or equipment, funding will be sought to ensure that the provision is appropriate to the child’s needs.
We work in liaison with relevant professionals and agencies outside the group to meet the children’s specific needs.
Our staff attend, whenever possible, in-service training on special needs arranged by the Pre-School Learning Alliance and other professional bodies. The SENCO will attend any other training relevant to the child needs.
The SENCO will fill in appendix B’s to help the child receive a statement if necessary this is with consent from the Child’s Parent/Carer.
A care plan will be drafted before the child is accepted into the setting. This will be filled in with the Manager/Deputy Manager and Parent/Carer.


We work closely with the Area Inclusion team and we can referr to many agencies if we feel that support is needed for the child and parents/carers. Parents/ carers will be asked for a meeting if we have any concerns so that we can discuss further what support can be offered to the family and the child. 


Here are a few of the services that are there to support your child:


Speech and language therapy

Primary Behaviour sevice

Occupation Therapist

Educational psyhchologist 

Physio Therapy






We're here for you:


02392 595665




Opening hours

Mon - Fri 7:30am-18:00pm


Please also use our contact form.


Woodcroft Pre School

& Wrap Around Care
35-37 Woodcroft Lane





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