Mental Health and Well-being 

Mental Health and Wellbeing

We will also need to support families with their mental health and wellbeing. Information will be given about where to access support for mental health. The guidance for Mental health and behaviour in schools, will be looked at and support given to those in need. We will also be given mental health and wellbeing support on our website and social media, making sure that all parents/ carers also have our email address and phone number, so they are able to discuss any issues that they may come across. We will be keeping our therapeutic approach that we have already been implementing as this is part of our ethos. Giving parents/ carers our top tips for our approach that can be used within the home and will support all children at this time.


Mind =

This website has support for mental health for families


Children moving from setting to another should make sure where possible to inform the setting of any safeguarding needs, EHCP, PEPS, or behaviour plans to support the child this can be done via a telephone call or email with password encryption. If we have not received any information then the DSLO or management will call the previous provision if this is not possible then the local authority will be called to find out any information that we may need to support the child within Woodcroft Preschool. This should be done before a child has arrived, where this is not possible as soon as reasonably practicable.

We're here for you:


02392 595665




Opening hours

Mon - Fri 7:30am-18:00pm


Please also use our contact form.


Woodcroft Pre School

& Wrap Around Care
35-37 Woodcroft Lane





We are on our journey to become a Curiosity Approach Setting! Come follow us on our instagram page scan our QR Code 

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